Break Free from The Chains of Fear, Anxiety & Worry!

Founded in 2020, PsyCare revolutionized mental health care by breaking down barriers and making therapy accessible to all. Today, as one of the world's leading teletherapy platforms, we offer personalized, affordable, and professional online therapy.

Our network of over 10,000 licensed therapists has empowered millions to prioritize their mental well-being and achieve their goals. As the demand for mental health services continues to rise, PsyCare remains dedicated to expanding access to online counseling worldwide. Moreover, we value your privacy and will keep your information confidential.  


Refund Policy:


Our consultation fees are non-refundable. However, we will provide a full refund if your therapist fails to show up for a scheduled live session. Terms and conditions apply.

For more information, please contact our customer support team.

Pay Per Session:

There is no contract or monthly subscriptions. Just pay your consultation fee on each visit. You can also submit an online counseling form for another person (your friend or family member.)

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